Minutes of the AGM held on Monday 17th February 2020


Sue Black, David Charlesworth, Ann Gabbett, Shirley Hand, Penny Taylor

Minutes of AGM held on Monday 25th February 2019

These have been displayed on line.

Proposed by Hilary Adamson

Seconded by Muriel Gomm

Approved unanimously

Matters Arising

A bell has now been introduced to signal change of tables

Chairman’s Report

May I start with thanking your Committee for all their commitment. Each one has served the club for many years and has worked very hard on our behalf. Also thanks must go to all members who help prepare and clear up after our weekly sessions.

Our thanks go to our patient Tournament Directors David Mustarde, David Newman and Robin Ewart who continue to support our club. Recently they, with Phil Battye, attended a Tournament Directors Course and they will be getting together to implement some of the suggestions without causing us too much heartache and complication. We are grateful to Phil who has volunteered to go onto the T.D. s rota.

We are delighted to welcome several new members this year - Judy, Phil, Mike, Bruce and Una and we hope that they enjoy their time with us.

At the moment we have 59 members……… about 6 of these are floating and, thanks to our system and with the help of Muriel, have always found a partner. Now that we are more settled David will be sending round a list for you to confirm your telephone numbers so that a new list can be printed…….. this time on yellow card.

As usual, there are a few reminders that need to be repeated. Just a few of us need to remember to lead first before writing down the contract. This saves time which is necessary as we are committed to be out of the building by 10.00pm. Also, could we all remember to take turns sitting NS/EW,……. Not every week or we’ll all end up continually playing the same opposition. However if we sometimes change its means that the same people are not always sitting out.

Thank you to Judith for getting our results out so promptly. We have looked into digital scoring systems but as we often have 12 tables we think that this expense is not justified. So we shall continue to be ever grateful to Judith….. and in her absence David.

Finally we must thank Minchinhampton Golf Club for their warm and welcoming venue and their friendly bar staff particularly helping with our end of season Christmas Party. Although everyone who was fit and able came I have to report that we drank less than the previous year. Perhaps our new members are teetotal. From everyone’s comments we all thought that it was value for money. Congratulations go to Trisha Wilkins for winning the Championship Shield.

Treasurers Report

Alan circulated a copy of the accounts which he felt were self explanatory but was happy to answer any questions. He is in the process of changing banks to Lloyds as TSB no longer hold club accounts.   The committee thought that the annual subscription should be increased to £45. Some members queried why an increase was necessary when reserves were so high. Angela explained that new equipment was required this year and that it still represented good value for money. The subscriptions had not changed since 2013. Angela said she would take a vote on the proposed increase and this was carried by a large majority. Richard Bryan asked if the subs could be paid by BACS and this would be investigated once the bank change had gone ahead. Acceptance of the accounts was proposed by Robin Ewart and seconded by Muriel Gomm.


Angela reported that the existing members of committee had all agreed to stand again and 2 new members had offered to stand– Susie Layton as secretary and Judy Little. They were both proposed by Angela and seconded by Muriel Gomm

Any Other Business

There was no other business but Robin Ewart expressed a vote of thanks from the club to Angela for her work as chairman. The meeting closed at 18.25