1. Apologies: Geoff Clay, Maggie Daley, Ellie Harper, Maureen Law, Gill Millward, Marie Morea, Dot Sanders, Anne Sutton, Sue Waddington
2. Minutes of the AGM held on 20th February 2017 had been displayed on line and were taken as read. Sue Gage and Sally Norman proposed and seconded the minutes as a true record.
3. Matters arising. There were none.
4. Chairman’s Report
Angela thanked the Committee and tournament directors for their help and support. Dennis Law had kindly agreed to join the director’s rota. Muriel continues her ‘dating’ site which works well and Judith perseveres with scoring despite some unnecessary difficulties. She said everyone should take responsibility for ensuring they were in the right place with the correct boards, and from the first table be aware of which pair to follow. This should be done before pleasantries are exchanged. She also suggested that the first card be played before writing down the contract which would speed up play as we were under time constraints and needed to be away from the club by 10.00pm. All committee members would be reminding you of these points. She thanked Peter for always helping to clear away. This was much appreciated.
Angela said that at the moment there are 59 members as Christine Foster has resigned. She said she would wait for final renewal of subscriptions before introducing any new members, and the committee had agreed that the minimum attendance number should be 20 meetings (obviously at the discretion of the committee in the case of illness, family commitments etc).
New card holders had been purchased during the year and the cards had come from a cheaper source although of the same quality. David was providing the personal score cards which also kept costs down. He would amend the next batch to give more room for notes.
Angela thanked the Golf Club for the warm and safe venue and the friendly bar staff and for all their help at the Christmas party. The new format of a mini meal and wine had gone down well and also gave more time to play bridge.
Finally she congratulated Anne Cottrell on becoming Club Champion and Jenny Smith as the most improved player of 2017 and said they were worthy winners.
5. Treasurer’s Report
Alan Harrison circulated copies of the accounts and reported that subscriptions for this year would remain at £40.00 to be paid when he returned from holiday. The balance carried forward is £1,864.78. Anna MacBean asked if this was too much but Alan did not think so in case of contingencies such as a rent increase or replacing equipment. Derek queried the money being in the Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society as this had been taken over by Lloyds Bank. Alan replied that his paying in slips still said Cheltenham & Gloucester.
6. Adoption of accounts. Proposed by Peter Gardner and seconded by Robin Ewart.
7. Election of Committee. There were no volunteers to join the committee and so the existing members were re-elected en bloc ( Angela, Alan, Judith, Muriel, Anne, Robin, Lindsey) having expressed their willingness to stand again. Proposer Derek Norman , seconded by Mandy Jutsum.
8. Any Other Business.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 18.35