1. Apologies: Sue Black, Maggie Daley, Chris Foster, Sue Gage, Shirley Hand, Ellie Harper,
Elaine Harry, Anne & Ralph Kember, Maureen Law, Jen May, Marie Morea, Val Oldershaw,
Dot Sanders, Alan Shine, Doreen Watts.
2. Minutes of the AGM held on 8th February 2016 had been previously distributed on line and
were taken as read. Some members said they had not received them and a note was made
of their email addresses. Robin and Muriel proposed and seconded the minutes as a true
3. Matters arising. There were none.
4. Chairman’s Report
Angela thanked the Committee for their help and support, especially Muriel for her ‘dating’
site and Judith for scoring. She urged everyone to be careful when filling in the travellers
and for East to check carefully in order to make this job easier.
She also thanked the Directors – David Mustarde, John Perkins, Alan Harrison and David
Newman, and commended everyone for counting their cards. She hoped members didn’t
feel rushed, but it was important to be clear of the building by 10.00pm. Therefore 2 boards
should be played in 15 minutes. She felt some couples could try to play faster and it was
important to establish at the start of the evening the pair to follow and to arrive promptly at
the next table. Playing the first card before writing down the contract would also save time.
She also thanked the people who helped to put everything away at the end of the evening.
Some couples on the waiting list had been invited to play during the summer but attendance
numbers had held up and so she would review this and consider it again if the need arose.
Angela thanked the Golf Club for the warm and safe venue and the friendly bar staff and for
all their help at the Christmas party. The refreshments had been the same as the previous
year but it was the cheapest option and she was trying to keep costs down so that members
had a free evening. She reported that membership had been maintained at 60 and although
some people did not have a regular partner, Muriel managed to keep most people playing.
New card holders would be purchased this year and she had sourced cheaper cards and
score cards. Anyone wishing to join the committee would be very welcome. Finally,
congratulations were given to Club Champion Muriel Gomm and the most improved player –
Mandy Jutsum, both very worthy winners.
5. Treasurer’s Report
Alan Harrison circulated copies of the accounts and reported that income was down slightly
from last year but with thrifty spending the club was still in profit. Subscriptions for this year
would remain at £40.00 to be paid as soon as possible. There were no questions.
6. Adoption of accounts. Proposed by Muriel Gomm and seconded by Robin Ewart.
7. Election of Committee. There were no volunteers to join the committee and so the existing
members were re-elected en bloc ( Angela, Alan, Judith, Muriel, Anne, Robin, Lindsey)
having expressed their willingness to stand again. Proposer David Mustarde, seconded by
Mandy Jutsum.
8. Any Other Business. None.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 18.45